Dual Agency in a real estate transaction happens when an agent or broker represents both the buyer and the seller in the transaction. In California, this is perfectly legal, and many people wonder just why that is. After all, a lawyer cannot represent both sides in court, so why can a real estate agent represent […]
[M08/S09] Free Home Inspection and Termite Inspection
We are big believers in getting a complete disclosure package for all potential buyers, because we know that doing so will ultimately result in a higher net for the seller and a much smoother transaction with less risk of fall-out. In fact, we’re such big believers in this that we will agree to credit the […]
[M07/S11] How much it Costs to Sell a Home
Of primary consideration for sellers is how much it costs to sell a home. If you’re like most people, you will probably invest several thousand dollars in getting your home ready for sale. The bulk of your costs, however, will be incurred upon the closing the sale of your home, and not before. You may […]
[M07/S09] Real Estate Tax Information for Home Sellers
Before we talk about taxes, we need to issue a disclaimer: we are not tax professionals, and before you make any decisions about buying or selling real estate, you ought to talk to your tax professional. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk taxes! Even if you make a profit by […]
[M08/S02] The SellForSure Home Sale System Guarantees
The SellForSure Home Sale system offers a number of guarantees: Easy-Out Guarantee Performance Guarantee Variable Commission Guarantee Communication Guarantee How can we provide so many guarantees about getting a home sold? The reason is simple: we are sure that the system works. It’s a time-tested and proven formula that works. As you learn more about the […]
[M03/S13] Real Estate Listing Agreements
To begin formally working with a real estate agent, you’ll sign a listing agreement. There are three standard types of real estate listing agreements used in California: exclusive right to sell, an open listing, and an exclusive agency listing. The exclusive right to sell listing is the most common form of listing agreement, and most […]
[M03/S12] Discount and Flat Fee Brokers
Most home owners do elect to hire a full-service agent, but a good number of homeowners turn to discount and flat fee brokers. The truth is, some brokers just plain charge less than others. You may have heard that commissions in your area are a standard 7%, 6%, or 5%. That could be the “standard,” […]
[M02/S03] Benefits of Selling Your Home By Owner
Saving the cost of the commission is huge. But what are the other benefits of selling your home by owner? First off, you’re in charge. You won’t have pressure from anyone else to do anything. No nagging about how you present your home, or pressing you to do showings at all hours. You handle everything […]