Of primary consideration for sellers is how much it costs to sell a home. If you’re like most people, you will probably invest several thousand dollars in getting your home ready for sale. The bulk of your costs, however, will be incurred upon the closing the sale of your home, and not before. You may […]
[M07/S02] What Happens when you get an Offer on your Home
Once you’ve received an offer, you must carefully read its terms and conditions then evaluate if the offer meets your needs. There’s a number of questions you need to be asking yourself: Is the price fair? How much is the buyer asking in concessions? Are there any special requests (such as asking that furniture be […]
[M06/S09] Selling your Home in a Tough Market
When home prices fall, the number of homes for sale increases compared to demand, and buyers become more picky. That doesn’t mean you can’t sell your home for a fair price. You’ll just have to work harder to make it happen. In a buyer’s market, when buyers have a lot to choose from, they’re going […]
[M05/S06] As-Is Real Estate Sales
What’s an “As-Is” sale? As-Is real estate sales are dominant in California – this means that the seller intends to sell the home in its present condition, without fixing anything more that needs fixing. In fact, the standard Realtor¨ California Residential Purchase Agreement contract is written such that the seller will not be obligated to […]