Of primary consideration for sellers is how much it costs to sell a home. If you’re like most people, you will probably invest several thousand dollars in getting your home ready for sale. The bulk of your costs, however, will be incurred upon the closing the sale of your home, and not before. You may […]
[M07/S08] The Buyer’s Appraisal in the Purchase Process
The buyer’s appraisal in the purchase process is of crucial importance. Most buyers will be using some form of financing, and virtually all forms of financing will require that an appraisal be done – even if you the seller paid for an appraisal prior to putting your home on the market. A lot of people […]
[M07/S02] What Happens when you get an Offer on your Home
Once you’ve received an offer, you must carefully read its terms and conditions then evaluate if the offer meets your needs. There’s a number of questions you need to be asking yourself: Is the price fair? How much is the buyer asking in concessions? Are there any special requests (such as asking that furniture be […]
[M08/S16] SellForSure Preparation Phase 3
Once the repairs and staging are completed, it is time to bring in a professional photographer to capture your home in the best possible light, looking as much as possible like a new, showcase home. At this time, a custom video of your home will be produced for distribution on YouTube, social media, and other […]
[M08/S15] SellForSure Preparation Phase 2
Once the inspections are complete and a full set of repair bids have been obtained, the seller can determine which repairs, if any, are to be made on the home. If it is deemed advantageous to make repairs prior to putting the home on the market, repairs are made at this time. Once any repairs […]
[M08/S14] SellForSure Preparation Phase 1
The first steps our advanced marketing strategy begin before your home is listed on the market. The very first step is to perform a market analysis on your home, to determine the most likely sales price for your home. This includes an as-is price – without doing a thing to the home, and what the […]
[M05/S12] The Cost of Preparing your Home for Sale
So what’s all this prep work going to cost you? Unfortunately, every home and situation is so different that there is no simple formula you can use to figure the cost of preparing your home for sale. But what you can do is create a budget from the get-go and try to work within that […]
[M06/S09] Selling your Home in a Tough Market
When home prices fall, the number of homes for sale increases compared to demand, and buyers become more picky. That doesn’t mean you can’t sell your home for a fair price. You’ll just have to work harder to make it happen. In a buyer’s market, when buyers have a lot to choose from, they’re going […]