Thank you for requesting our Moving On Guidebook! Nothing in life lasts forever, and the fact is, one day we’ll all be moving on, way way or another. The challenge for all of us is to be in charge of it, rather than being a victim to it – and that’s what the Moving On guidebook is all about. With the information and resources in this book, your family will have the knowledge it needs to make the best and most empowering choices you can.
We will drop your Moving On guidebook in the mail straight away, and I’ll email you as soon as it is en route.
If you have any questions in the meanwhile, please feel free to call me direct at (831) 704-6873 (you can also text me there too), or email me at broker@RealtyVirtuoso.com
Thanks again for requesting the guidebook – I know you’ll find it very useful and I look forward to being of service to you in the future.