With the considerable increases in home values we’ve seen over the past couple of years, a lot of homeowners are enjoying more equity in their homes than perhaps they’ve ever seen, or certainly more than they’ve seen in the past 6 or 7 years. And with this increase in equity, many homeowners are wondering when to upsize or downsize your home.
Does it make sense to Upsize or Downsize?
One question though is – does it make more sense to upsize or downsize today, or at some point in the future, when perhaps they have more equity in their homes? To address that issue, we’ve created a brief video presentation which should be helpful.

Download the Spreadsheet used in this Video
You can also download the spreadsheet used in the video in the homeowner resources section of this web site. The spreadsheet is in Microsoft Excel format. If you don’t have Excel, you can import it into Google Docs and work with it there.